UNIKE supervisor Rebecca Boden explains about resocializing the university. Are universities becoming more like the wild west? Is the co-op university the way forward?
Professor Ove Kaj Pedersen, CBS, is being interviewed by PhD fellow Miguel Lim about the key trends in higher education and their relation to the 'competition state'.
The UNIKE project has of January 2017 ended. For inquiries regarding the project, please contact Professor Susan Wright.
UNIKE Coordinator
Professor Susan Wright
M: suwr@edu.au.dk
T: +45 8716 3628
UNIKE Project Manager
Jakob Williams Ørberg
M: jwo@edu.au.dk
UNIKE Research Assistant
Lisbeth Kristine Walakira
M: likw@edu.au.dk
T: +45 9350 8321
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration.