New book: Creating a New Public University and Reviving Democracy
Associated partner in UNIKE Davydd Greenwood publishes book together with Morten Levin at Berghahn.
Professor emeritus and associated partner in UNIKE Davydd Greenwood from Cornell University has recently published a new book together with Professor Morten Levin from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
In the book with the full title Creating a New Public University and Reviving Democracy: Action Research in Higher Education, Levin and Greenwood analyse the wreckage created by neoliberal academic administrators and policymakers based on extensive experience with Action Research-based organizational change in universities and private sector organisations. The authors argue that public universities must be democratically organised to perform their educational and societal functions. The book closes by laying out Action Research processes that can transform public universities back into institutions that promote academic freedom, integrity, and democracy.