Professor Rebecca Boden gives a talk at the Society for Research into Higher Education

Watch Professor Rebecca Boden's talk at the Society for Research into Higher Education.

Rebecca Boden is Professor of Critical Management at Roehampton University Business School and a supervisor in the UNIKE Project. She addresses the effects of regimes of accounting and management – especially in higher education and scientific research organisations.

Rebecca Boden from Roehampton University Business School is one of the professors in the UNIKE Project. In May she gave a talk at the SRHE (Society for Research into Higher Education) about "Universities and the governance of knowledge creation".

The theme of the seminar at the SRHE was to provide an opportunity to critically examine changing modes of university governance and management in the context of global trends in higher education policy.

As Rebecca Bodens states it, governance can be broadly defined as systems for or approaches to decision-making. The governance of universities is therefore the means by which decisions are made within them. Any form of governing involves the exercise of some form of power, and in this talk Rebecca Boden explores the shifting and complex landscape of governing power in UK universities and ramifications that has for the nature of the knowledges produced and what they are used for.

Rebecca Boden suggests how governing regimes might be beneficially reformed to aid the further development of the social role of the university.

Rebecca Boden currently also has a piece in the Times Higher Education in which she argues that managerialism has taken over the university.