Tatyana Bajenova has article published on the European Observatory of think tanks
UNIKE PhD fellow, Tatyana Bajenova's article about think tanks in Europe has been published on the website of the European Observatory of think tanks.
In February, the Observatoire europeen des think tanks (European Observatory of think tanks), based in Paris, with offices in Brussels and Barcelona, published a blog article written by UNIKE PhD fellow Tatyana Bajenova.
The article entitled Think tanks in Europe: Rising, Peaking or Declining? questions if the continuous growth of the number of European think tanks means the rise of their influence or just a prelude to their decay. The author examines the current trends in think tank development in Europe, such as how they engage with EU policy-making, maintain publicity in “European public sphere” and network beyond the nation borders, which can represent both challenges and opportunities for the think tanks. The article concludes that decline or increase in influence of this type of organization in the future will depend on their capacities to turn the former into the latter.