UNIKE session at the CHER conference 2016
UNIKE was invited to arrange a plenary session about our research at this year's CHER conference at University of Cambridge
Professor Susan Wright, project leader in UNIKE, was invited to give a keynote speech at this year's CHER conference (Conference on the Consortium of Higher Education Researchers), which was held at the University of Cambridge, UK, 5-7 September.
UNIKE furthermore arranged a session in which several of UNIKE PhD fellows had the opportunity to present their research projects and UNIKE's upcoming plans of publishing a book as a joint outcome.
In her keynote, Susan Wright talked about how UNIKE researchers investigate higher education institutions and create a network of research leaders. She argued that universities are no longer a separate sector, rather universities are part of a new institutional 'ecology' where higher education institutions interact with many organisations. The keynote was chaired by professor Simon Marginson, director of the UCL Institute of Education (IOE) Centre for Global Higher Education.
See an overview of all the tweets about UNIKE at the CHER conference.
UNIKE PhD fellow Benedikte Custers gave a presentation in which she talked about the changes in the framing of criticality in higher education. Miguel Lim talked about rankings in public policy processes and about "who needs whom" in the university ranking game in his presentation at CHER. Katja Jonsas gave a presentation about university governance and governing women in academic work, and Sina Westa talked about what academic freedom means for academics in her presentation.
As a joint outcome of the UNIKE project, the team is currently working on a book, which is expected to be published in 2017.